Thursday, October 12, 2006


Seriously, how great is this? If we HAVE to lose Finn - at least we get McSteamy! God I love "Grey's Anatomy"!

Thanks to shmily00 at youtube for making this available.


nann said...

I love how Meredith went off on Derek and Finn about how she, as an Intern, put out a lot of effort to wax and pluck and look this way and she wants romance and flowers and " two are looking at each other!"....I was cheering.

I miss you.

Raye said...

I know! I missed that episode but caught that speech online. Sooooo good! I would love the opportunity to tell two hot men (who were fighting over me) to get it together.

My next favourite was the recent exchange between the morphined Meredith and McSteamy...
"How's my favourite dirty mistress?"
"Haven't you heard? Now I'm an adulterous whore."