Wednesday, April 26, 2006

My Closet

THIS is my closet. I love it. It's the best thing I've had for a closet in a long time. It has no doors but that's fine by me. I can actually lay in bed and figure out what I want to wear. What could be better? OK - an entire walk-in would be better - but this is good for now. And when I took this pic (a couple of months ago) my closet was in prime shape. I had filled with a solid collection of work, school, social, and fun options. My particular "looks" had colour options and flattering combinations. I was very happy with my closet. And this month, I got a bit smaller. As in, I lost an inch off my waistline. And as much as I am excited to be digging into those last few inches around the middle, the change has ruined my closet. My pants hang low and baggy. My skirts are about to fall off. My tailored blouses have become boxy. And now that I have a job for which to wear all my great outfits I lay in bed and struggle over what to wear. I knew it was too good to last forever.

1 comment:

Growing Opportunities said...

There is a quick solution for this Raye... and it's called chocolate. Or... mastercard. Both are lovely options.