Sunday, April 09, 2006

The Bright Side

I took this picture from my living room window this evening. It is one of the joys of living on the 20th floor. And it was a random moment in an otherwise frustrating day when I looked outside and saw the sky on fire. I love a good sunset. Today I am in the deepest depths of procrastination and the inertia that brings. It's like my brain is blocked with a brick wall of weak thoughts and I am completely incapable of completing my last assignment of the year. It's gonna be a long night. But this is one dark spot in a week that has been quite sunny. I completed my first full week of work and I love my new job. It's challenging and frustrating and stimulating and I am positive that I will (one day) be really good at it! I have amazing co-workers who make me smile. I have wonderful friends here that I need to trust in more and worry about less. I got to see both Bryan Adams AND the Constantines in concert this week. I got a new pair of shoes that are rockingly stellar. I have made a new friend with potential. So, the sun is going down tonight but its shone bright for days.

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