Sunday, April 23, 2006

Lily-Livered No More

This is my new plant. I bought it today - it's called a Peace Lily which is the perfect name for my current frame of mind. I bought it because I need to work on keeping something alive. I have always been down on my green-thumb potential but I figured I have to start somewhere. I bought it because I need to work on peace of mind and part of that is about speaking up and clearing up my life. I have come to realize that the only way to "let someone go" is to be honest that you want to hold on to them in the first place. For me, this has always been the hard part. Admitting what I really want and then putting that into words with respect to other people has not been one of my strengths. But I worked on it today when I finally took control of one of my emotional drains. And then I bought my lily. The plant is the first step in re-affirming my right to have positive things in my life - and who knows - maybe this one will flourish.

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