Do you know what I love? I love that each week I watch "Grey's Anatomy" and I have NO idea what is going to happen next. With last week's dual proposals I was gobsmacked. Didn't see either of those things coming ... at this point in the season ... at the SAME time! And so of course, tonight's episode became one of my bigger MUST-SEE Thursdays. Being the dull pragmatist that I can be I assumed a Yay for Burke & Christina with some sort of caveat and a Nay for Callie and George. So of course the show has to prove me wrong and work in both YAYs and then almost kill the entire staff, give Meredith's mom temporary lucidity and put Mark and Addison back in bed together. Like, OMG! So much was packed into this one episode that it has completely repositioned the show for the rest of the season. It was like a visual energy drink experience.
I am sure that fans all over will be slagging the show's improbabilities in timeline and how dysfunctional the relationships appear to be but that is what I love about it. Grey's has always been a messy show. It is as screwed-up as people's lives feel to be. There is no underlying ethics agenda (like most mainstream sitcoms or soaps) or sugar-coated relationships. It is a train wreck of human interaction every week. And that's why I can't look away. (And finally, that moment of joy between Burke & Christina at the end? Priceless! They're back!)
Loved it! I love those moments between Burke and Christina when you see the love. And I agree with you totally about this show. Can't miss it. I'm trying to remember why George's friends don't like Callie though, and I can't. She's so likable and fun - I don't get it. Can you remember?
I don't think there was anything in particular. There was that tension after she moved in last season and the girls (Izzie!) always thought George was moving to fast with her. But really, I can't remember a specific reason for the Callie hate. Hmmmm...
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