Tuesday, March 21, 2006

What a Difference a Sofa Makes

It is the first day of spring and I am sick. So sick. Not the sickest I've ever been but sick enough to be pathetic and unproductive. The only thing that makes being sick tolerable is lying on my new sofa...

OK - it's new-to-me it's small but whatever. I've decided that it is a sofa because it is definitely NOT a "chesterfield"; I can't stand the term "loveseat"; and "couch" just doesn't seem appropriate. So sofa it is. And it is saving my aching, coughing, tired burden-of-a-body today. The other thing that helps is homemade chicken soup from Wade. Seriously, BEST chicken soup I've ever had (sorry, mom!) It was fricken fantastic and it's all I can do to keep the last serving in the fridge for tomorrow. Yummers. So, sofa and soup and sickness. Welcome Spring!

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