Thursday, March 30, 2006

In the Air

The air was SO warm today you could smell cedar sap in the air while walking past the university. It was so warm the slapping sound of flip-flops echoed on the sidewalks. It was so warm the young ladies in residence moved from layered Ts and belted jeans to skimpy tanks and ruffly skirts. It was so warm today that I could feel the sunshine warm my face and make the corners of my mouth turn up without any effort. I have three quarts of strawberries in the kitchen that I'm about to slice up and freeze for later. Their perfume explodes in the kitchen and brings today's warmth into the evening.

1 comment:

one of the McTs said...

mmm sounds so yummy I should get some strawberries this weekend. I was out for a walk on Tuesday and it was so gorgeous- I didn't want to go back inside or go to work.. I stood outside the apartment and let the sun shine on my face for a bit.. :) heh even grandad is sitting outside longer.. so want to make a bet he'll have his sandles on in about another week? :P Love ya
Aunty A