Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Have a Little Heart

When I was in grades 1 & 2 we would build heart-shaped envelopes out of red construction paper and post them in the hallway outside the classroom door. Each of us would decorate our heart and what for that time on the morning of Valentine's Day when we distribute, collect and count our classmates' valentines. My mom would take us to the store to buy the book with the perforated images to punch out and sign. The challenge was to find the right valentine for each person. The one with the best picture, most accurate saying, cutest comment. Since those moments I have always been a sucker for the cheesy value of retro-budget valentines cards. Over the years I have sent valentines of various kinds to my friends far and near. For me, valentine's day has never been a romantic event. I have never had a real relationship on this day of hearts and so, I have never moved beyond my feelings of V-day as nothing more than a cute and nostalgic experience from childhood. The roses, jewelery, and chocolates are lost on me. I know that someday my own special Ralph will "choo-choo-choose me". Until then? Happy Heart Day to you all.

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