Saturday, February 25, 2006

Happy Blogaversary to Me

Today marks the one year anniversary of my raye of sunshine blog. Started in the midst of my spring break doldrums last year, this online diary has become one of my joys over the last 12 months. Yes, I am a narcissistic fool at times. Yes, I like that I can say things to an audience - even if it's a silent one. Yes, I like the blue background with the little dots! Yes, I love my discovery of new applications that have allowed me to share more moments with more style. I am the lady in the red hat - taking my moment to stand out in a crowd - sometimes happy, sometimes lonely, sometimes satistied just to contemplate...

I did most of the feelings recap for my year when I wrote my 100th post in September. What struck me about this anniversary is that in my first post I had just been accepted to my MBA program. Now, I almost done my first year! Much has changed. Last February I was excited by the prospect of being able to complete my degree within a year. Now I find myself moving into a part-time stream and about to tackle a new full-time job in April! Yes, I am employed. I am returning to the non-profit organization that has given me so many opportunities in my life. I will be managing the finances of the regional office in Atlantic Canada. I am moving out of the field and into the office. It is both daunting and exhilarating at the same time. So my life is about to dramatically change once more. Stay tuned for the next installment!


one of the McTs said...

Its amazing how things can change on a dime and alot of times when you least expect it. I always *assume* i'd be with Bell until I retired and hear I am making half of what I did with them and finding happiness in that. I think I'm slowly getting there. :) Love ya and I'm so proud of you!
Aunty A

Stephanie said...

Congrats on the blogaversary and the new job, Raye! Seriously, I am so proud of you. You are one of the few people in this world who follows her dreams and does what she says she is going to. Enjoy all the new adventures to come!