Tuesday, May 23, 2006

House Freakin' Fantastic

So my other favourite medical drama did the season finale thing right. At first I was annoyed that both House and Grey's appeared to have the same thing going on - a key doctor gets shot and grapples with the potential loss of the gift that makes him great. Oh no! It could not be that both shows created the same story. But it was not the case. In the latest "House" episode everything goes full tilt. It is complex, creative and graphic. And it pushes you until the very end to question its very reality. And then, in that last moment it revealed only enough to make you demand more. An excellent finale. I should never have doubted it - House always comes through in the end!

1 comment:

dub said...

the only ep i've seen of house was way too predictable and forced, so i never gave it another chance. but i've heard that it's really good and i need to watch another one.