Monday, August 08, 2005

Hot Time, Summer in the City...

...Back of my neck getting dirty and gritty. Yes, this was the scene today as the heat wave from the west finally descended on the coast. And I was just getting used to the comfortable 20-degree weather and having to take a cardigan in the evenings to stave of the wind chill. But not anymore. Today opened with a blaze and has stayed on broil all day.

Unfortunately, today was also the day I started my actual outdoor "exercise" regimen. Now, I admit to liking a good sweat (and I'm a good sweat-er!) but sometimes it sucks. And thinking about things like ass-sweat is not a motivating thing (in fact, not pleasant at all and I'm kind of horrified that I mentioned it, but it was in my thoughts as I sped-walked the giant block around the school). I was also a little disappointed in my comfy shorts that decided they would rather exist as hotpants today and spent most of their time creeping up the inside of my thigh = not attractive. What is with that? Are those of us with less-than-perfect thighs denied hassle-free shorts? Usually yes, but on sticky hot August afternoons, not so much.

I know, it is silly to complain because if it was colder I might be griping about that instead. I think its a real Canadianism to be obsessed with the state of the weather, the impending weather and the effects of the weather. In the end, I retreated to my apartment that was only mildly oven-esque and wandered around half-dressed. THAT is the best part about living alone. So the day wasn't a total loss, but I am going to wait till the sun dips a bit lower before making myself presentable and going outside again.

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