Saturday, July 01, 2006


In case you didn't remember or know, I gave up NYE resolutions last year in favour of Canada Day ones. I just felt that making new plans in the summer season was a better idea. Last year my resolutions were as follows:

a) lose (and keep off) 10 lbs
b) engage in one physical activity (of 20 minutes plus) each day
c) seriously apply for admission to a PhD program for September
d) re-alocate the majority of my shopping dollars to social and development activities/opportunities

What can I say? It is one year later and my progress is thus:

a) I haven't lost that 10lbs but I have re-distributed my weight enough to drop a size. Bring on the size 10! Point me in the direction of things labelled MED.

b) Yeah - not so much. I have realized that my physical activity moves in phases and I have not yet established a solid routine. However, I have gotten to the point of running 3 times a week for 20mins. And I walk to & from work everyday. I have been a bit slack on my muscles routine.

c) well, the PhD plan went out the window in October. By February the 1-year MBA had also been re-tooled. But I am now working full-time in a relevant and enjoyable job and continuing my studies. Graduation will likely be fall 2007 and fingers are still crossed about the longetivity of work.

d) I still shop like a fiend. It is my way of filling the sad spots in my life. But I also got season tickets to the theatre and joined a volunteer Board of Directors - so, not all bad.

For the coming year I have reformulated my resolutions into the guiding principles of my RIP (Raye Improvement Plan - thanks Nancy!). They are not SMART goals but rather the foundation for decision-making. For the 2006/2007 year they are:

a) Honesty
b) Emotional Health
c) Internal Locus of Control
d) Work Mastery
e) Academic Accomplishment
f) Self-love/Pride/Respect
g) Health/Fitness/Beauty

I am also working on keeping my plant alive. If it survives to 6-months then I am going to add another to the household. And I have realized that I would like a dog - so I hope to be somewhere that allows me to have my own pet within 2 years. And for my 35th birthday year I want to do the trek to Everest base camp and that is my motivation to keep the running up (cause I need the cardio fitness) and save some money.

Happy Canada Day! Welcome to a new year!


Anonymous said...

Wow! You amaze me, my dear.

Stephanie said...

Wow! Keep on rockin'. And if you need a friend to accompany you on your trek to Everest - sign me up!