Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Serious Kissage

OK - just when I thought it couldn't get any better than mad-Buffy-watching, HMV puts the first two seasons of Angel on sale. Admittedly, I am seriously late to the Angel picnic (years of NO cable will do this!) and I cannot believe why I stayed away so long. Honestly I never really fancied Angel in the early years and it is only now, in my renewed enjoyment of the Buffyverse, that I have seen the light. So with that in mind I am working my way through season one. And then it happens - the episode wherein Buffy comes to visit. Then Angel becomes mortal. And there is epic sea-side kissage in the sun! And the hotness increases as they get with the gropey on the kitchen table! Damn - do these characters have chemistry! But of course it cannot last. And by the final frame I am bawling my eyes out as Buffy does wide-eyed sorrow and Angel is stoically tearful in their LAST MINUTE of total happiness together. OMG! This show rocks!


Miss A said...

Hi there! I found your site when I was searching for Nova Scotia based blogs.
I too am in love with Buffy and Angel and recently watched all seven series again. They just get better and better!

Growing Opportunities said...

Just got to the bad Angel bit. I love this show. I'd totally forgotten the whole Spike in a wheelchair thing too. And Oz! How great is Oz? Put him on the list.