Thursday, September 22, 2005


This is me and Colin. We ran as a "slate" in the elections for our program society. Colin is an old-time politico - seriously, if you ever meet him, he will tell you all about it. I am just a veteren of a series of school elections. We thought we had the perfect combination. We were excited to work together. In the end, Colin secured a spot and I was not elected ... again. Anyone who knows me longer than today will know about the consistency in my non-election status. I have run for councils at every level of my education. In all those elecions, I have only been elected once - and, well, there were helpful "circumstances" against the other candidate. As it was, I couldn't even win my position back. Maybe I should have told Colin about this in the beginning. I may be an actually "cooler" of elections - at least where I'm concerned. It doesn't matter how much I want to lead - people do not want to follow. All I can say at this point is that I have more time to work for me - and that can't be all bad, right?

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