Friday, April 11, 2008

F & A

There is a line in the film Rounders that explains how many guys can't play no-limit hold'em because they "can't handle the swings". I think this concept could also apply to my mental state in the last 24hrs. This week was my last week of school - the last week of my MBA degree. It was also a big week at work. And so I found myself with too much to do in the hours I had available.

The casualty of this situation was study time for my final in accounting. And so I found myself on Thursday evening sitting down to a 3-hour exam completely unprepared. I even arrived with the wrong bag meaning I had NO calculator, pencil or pen for the exam. I should have known at that moment things would not go well. The exam itself was a stress marathon of NOT knowing the answers and I left sad and tearful. I admit to being a drama queen about my grades but I truly hate the feeling of failure. So Thursday was an F.

So Friday arrived and my energy was low. I was also feeling mildly panicked about my final research paper being in limbo and unsure about it getting confirmed before the next week's deadline. But with one email all of that changed and the paper was approved, my academic albatross given its freedom and my grade assigned ... and A.

And so the pendulum swings back the other way to a state of glee and satisfaction. To be honest ... such swings are exhausting. But in the end the balance will turn out to be positive so I can't really complain.

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