Thursday, November 30, 2006

My Mom

Today I have to send out Happy Birthday greetings to my Mom. I don't know if she reads this blog (and maybe, considering some of the content, I wouldn't want her to!) but I thought it was important to send out birthday vibes. It also give me the chance to share this old pic of her - she is about 19 - and freak everyone out with how much I look like her. I still do. My mother is an amazing person. Her life was completely different from mine (and that is, admittedly, a challenge to our relationship now) but I am always inspired by her strength, intelligence and generosity. I don't think I have met anyone who knows my mom without feeling some impact from her. She is coming to visit for a week in January - look for the updates then!

1 comment:

one of the McTs said...

EEK! Thats scary! I would have been umm 8 when that was and yes you do look like your mom and trust me you and your mom are very similar in alot of ways.. I know you can't see it .. but you are :) you're both smart and pretty and strong -just like Grandma! *hugs* I love you both very much and I'm proud to be your Moms sister and your Aunt..
xoxo Aunty A