Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Kind Words

So last night I am struggling to get my final paper done. That last minute stress of trying to finish! That feeling of knowing that once you get this ONE thing done you are free (well, almost). But I was stuck. So in a moment of pure panic I sent out a random call for kind words to my messenger contacts in the hopes of restoring my faith in me and spur me on to complete the task. My wonderful responses are below ... thanks you guys for making my life grand. (btw ... paper is done - 9 full pages. I rule!)

you are a lovely friend with an ever amazing collection of footwear! – Justin

you bleep a mean bleepMatt

you are the smartest person I know. If it wasn't for your support....I never would have passed my last year......everything you write sounds beautiful. that is why I read your blog.......because you write so well! It always amazes me that I know the girl that writes this stuff! - Beth

you can DOOOOOOOOO it .. you DO have more to say! there ARE more ideas to discuss!!!! there's even MORE insight to add! - Nancy

hahaha!!! someting nice..... you have an absolutely amazing talent to put whatever it is that you are thinking into eloquent words. so you will have absolutely no problem getting your paper done... and doing very well on it!!!! - Diane

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