Saturday, October 01, 2005

Um, Yeah, Men? YUM.

Just wanted to take a moment to revel in the joy that is maleness. The male form in all its glory is a gift to us women. The feel of a man is like nothing else in the world. The warm of a body next to yours. The sensation of skin against skin. Being able to wrap yourself in muslced arms or lay on a solid chest. Finding that crook in the arm or that nuzzling spot in the neck. The scent of it all. Sweat mixed with soap mixed with desire. The aroma of satisfaction that hangs in the air - not exactly sweet but infinately tempting. The hairy spots that tickle. The smooth spots that scream to be touched. The ability to cling to substance and claim it. And then, just as quickly be released to delicate touches and invitations. The chords in the neck. The eyelashes that don't appear long until they spread out over closed eyes. The hands that will always be bigger than your own. Men are put together wonderfully. It does not need to be perfect - simple maleness is enticing enough. And sometimes you forget how marvelous he is. Until you have him again. Are enclosed by him, supported by him, tempted by him. And all you can do is thank the heavens for man.

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