Sunday, October 02, 2005

48 Hours of Happiness

Touring the South Shore
with Colin, Pooja, Gael & Jaap
Peggy's Cove, Bridgewater, Hebbville & Lunenberg
Friday, September 30 ... Noon to 7pm

MBA Society Halifax Tour
Fun & Games with everyone...including:
Tanya, Colin, Beth, Rob, Evan, Gael & Nancy
Friday, September 30 ... 8pm to 4am

Acadia Axemen vs. SMU Huskies
Major Football Rematch between rivals (SMU lost)
Wolfville with Tanya, Colin & Jaap
Saturday, October 1 ... 11am to 8pm

Now back to the grind for a killer three days before Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

fantastic pictures! you look like you're having a great time! jodi