Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Morning After

My nephew doesn't know this yet - as he poses in his first Halloween costume - but one day he will have to do the "walk of shame" post-Halloween party. Today is possibly the prettiest day of the month and I spent most of it in bed. That was, of course, after I got home from the bed I had been crashing in thanks to some friend hospitality and the fact that my drunk self was being sorta demanding about the sleeping arrangements.

And then, I had to arise this morning and take stock of the damage. My dark gothic eye makeup smeared around my eyes that made them sticky and hard to open. My rats nest of hair dried out on hairspray. My tragic (and fake) red nails, two missing and one broken to ragged bits. I was definitely not a prize. But a quick cleanup made most of that presentable. Until the walk home.

There is nothing like sauntering down the sun-dappled street in a black mini-dress and high-heeled boots at 11am. Thank goodness I had my sweater or it could have been completely undecent. And then, as I am entering my residence, on this lovely sunday morning I pass by a group of people enjoying a coffee break in the hallway. I pass the children with their toys, the parents with their coffee, and the NUN with her air of morality. What a way to start the day.

But I really cannot complain. It was daylight savings afterall, and I got an extra hour of sleep!

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