Sunday, December 18, 2005

One Ring...

OK, I have a confession to make: I have a jones for engineering rings. Yes, I know, it's sad and pathetic. But there is just something about those little iron rings that I find totally attractive. Admittedly I am a general fan of rings on men's hands with silver/pewter tones being preferred. I'm also a sucker for simple rings that don't scream at you but catch the corner of your eye. The other thing about these rings is that they actually mean something. They recognize an achievement, they signify a responsibility, and they identify a fraternity (this is not to discount the female engineers out there who also look pretty cool with their rings and who intimidate and inspire the hell out of me). So engineer's ring adds to hotness in my book. This statement is, of course, mitigated by a great joke an engineer recently told me:

Q: What does an engineer use as birth control?
A: His personality.

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