Monday, March 14, 2005

Me and 30

This week opens with a feeling unlike any other. When the week begins I will be 29. By the end of it, I will be 30.

I'm not sure that means anything in the world today. There are still jokes about the "big 3-Oh". I'm aware that it seems to conotate a state of adulthood. I know I can't get working holiday visas anymore. The jury is still on on whether it bestows cougar status. But really, what does 30 mean these days? I have fewer unmarried friends than not. Only one of my best girlfriends has children.

When I was 16, I believed that by 30 I would be a teacher. I would be married (probably to another teacher). I would, likely, have two kids. And yesterday, as my step-dad and I were watching Mr. Holland's Opus, I made the point that "I have nothing in my life that I thought I would have at thirty". Even my education is still six weeks from completion! But my life, thus far, has been full of things that I guess I wanted more.

In three decades of life I have lived on a sheep farm, lived in the city, travelled across the bulk of Canada a multitude of times, watched chinook clouds roll in over canola fields, danced in grain elevators, collected lady bugs and tent caterpillers, made best friends who span the globe, graduated with honours from high school, been in school and community plays, survived my parents' divorce, been loved by two step-families, learned to solo-canoe - ride a horse - climb a mountain and hunt, failed at university and returned victorious, had my own apartment, mentored 120 young Canadians, visited Mexico, England, France and Japan, lived in Australia and New Zealand, done bungy jumping, rafted five major whitewater rivers, fallen in love with a good guy, tried to love a bad guy, collected unrequited crushes galore, learned how to walk in heels, become an aunt, and -wow! - so much more.
Nice to have lots to celebrate! Cheers!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Raye. While i am still a few years from 30 myself, a lot of my friends have already crossed over. There is no visible difference and cougars are older than 30. It seems that with 30 comes a desire to own things, like land or large electrical appliances. It evokes a re-examination of life that generally results in something like a carreer change. But thats all for the best isn't it? regardless, you are more intelligent than most and you will handle it all with ease. just party it up and have a pint for me! xo

Stephanie said...

Happy belated birthday, Raye!! I used to imagine that when I was 30 I would be a famous writer with a string of hot men lusting after me from around the globe. Well.... Turns out that 30 finds me married, pregnant and living in the 'burbs. But, you know what? My husband is better than 200 hot men and I have fallen in love with being a "Mom". Sometimes life knows what is better for us than we do.

You are an awesome person with an awesome life. You should be so proud of the way you live your life

P.s. You are NOT a cougar!!

Cheers, girlfriend!