Thursday, May 12, 2005

Your $20 Million Cheque is Waiting, Ms. Zellweger (sorry, Mrs. Chesney)

First off, I admit that the Renee and Kenny MARRIAGE threw me for a bit of a loop. I acknowledge that I didn't even know the two were an item. Then again, its has only been 4 months. And, in the midst of the Brad & Angelina vs. Tom & Katie media circus, these two are definately the side act over by the concession stand rather than centre ring material. But still, surprising. Until I gave it some thought and realized that Renee is just adding one more item to her "To Do List" in becoming the next Julia Roberts (aka ... America's Sweetheart numero 1, aka ... a $20 million a movie star).

To recap her previous achievements in this area (in no particular order, cause Renee has not followed Julia's blueprint verbatim) I offer the following:

... a history of established/assumed engagements with co-stars
Julia = Keifer Sutherland, Dylan McDermott
Renee = Jim Carrey, Jack White

... a break out role that dealt with helping a man overcome his commitment issues therby transforming him into a romantic idol
Julia = Pretty Woman
Renee = Jerry McGuire

... winning an oscar for playing (against type) an abrasive, ballsy, independent gal
Julia = Erin Brockavich
Renee = Ruby in Cold Mountain

... acknowledged by "friends" and "colleagues" as truly being a "down-to-earth" and sincere person that has pride in her small town southern roots
Julia = Smyrna, Georgia
Renee - Katy, Texas

... chronicled as a natural beauty in spite of obvious animal characteristics
Julia = horse
Renee = chipmunk

And now we can add another tick to Renee's list:
...randomly marry a country singer following a brief courtship that takes EVERYONE by surprise and where (at least) on individual goes barefoot in the ceremony
Julia = Lyle Lovett (the bride went barefoot)
Renee = Kenny Chesney (the groom lost the shoes)

Based on the evidence, I can assume that Renee's super-star asking price is about to go up. Call it a wedding gift.

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