Wednesday, January 03, 2007

JT Makes Work Fun

First day back at work. After getting delayed in the Toronto airport on the way home and then stuck in the freezing rain at the Halifax airport as well, I slept through my ease-in day and am still fighting my sore throat. The world is moving in slow motion. My goals are to wade through email and organize files as I get ready to do an insane amount of reporting next week!

And then, in the midst of this sluggishness, my co-workers bring some holiday cheer back into the office with this digital short from Justin Timberlake's stint on SNL. Seriously, this is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. And it's not even the lyrics so much as the execution = the clothes, the moves, the 'stache! I love it when stars have a sense of humour and some talent. But with this sketch, Justin has warmed his way into my heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is it the 80s music video motif, the dick in a box, or the brilliant juxtaposition between the two that made me pee my pants?