Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Chic Schick

I really hope you don't find this post to be TMI but I had to take a moment to talk about Schick latest lady razor. In a land of Brazilians (Brozilians no less!) I find myself a lady who prefers a bit of grass on her lawn. Maybe if I only weighed 100lbs I could muster the desire for a clean sweep (or god forbid - vajazzling!!) but my body isn't really enhanced by that particular look. However, keeping the landscape maintained has always been a challenge (DIY) or a somewhat expensive pursuit (Salon time!) and I admit to enjoying my recent long-distance relationship for giving me a bit of break in that department. I am sure I am not alone in this sentiment.

Then I saw a series of ads for the new Schick Quattro for Women "Trim Style" razor and it brought a smile to my face. It's a clever ad and while I don't usually fall for product advertising this product had me hooked. Rarely do I see a commercial with a smiling woman prancing in circles or sashaying in slow motion and think "yes, THAT is what I need!"- but this time it was true. This razor is exactly what I need. This razor is designed specifically for getting your "lady town" ready for the beach. It has a four-blade razor and a battery-powered trimmer (!) all in one waterproof device. Genius! I cannot believe it has taken this long to meld the two handy devices that have been giving men detailed face grooming for years into a product for women. All I can say is I think I am going to be very happy with my own personal mower from now on.

1 comment:

nicolethelabrat said...

I saw the ad for this on the weekend. Very funny. All I have to say is its about time.