Today was Sunday that I truly enjoyed. Normally I don't do posts about my days (I leave those to the more diary-esque blog of the WebGoddess) but today I wanted to share my happy feelings. There was nothing in particular about today that made it a good one. It just felt good. Truth be told, things in general are feeling good these days. Part of the reason has to be my consistent gym time (I am up to 5 days a week) which helps me procrastinate other things but also makes me feel really great. So what did I do today? Well...
I slept in late (a bit too late but I'm not going to beat myself up over that) and felt refreshed and ready for the day. I love that feeling.
I went off to the gym and got a good sweat going. I have actually shaved 5lbs off for good and that is making my feelings about the upcoming swimsuit season pretty positive.
I had a breakfast of pancakes and berries. I seriously LOVE the bulk bags of frozen field berries I can get at the grocery store out here. Tasty!
Off to the shops to try and find a spring coat but no luck. That's OK since I didn't waste any money on any other useless purchases either. Budget is tight these days and I have to curb my shopping impulses - so it felt good to do so today.
Time for a chai latte at Starbucks and do some work on my dreaded research paper. I am actually making some headway on this thorn in my side and got a few pages of decent thought down on paper. For some reason I work well at a coffee shop where I am trapped yet relaxed and have to work (it is like studying in the bath which I also enjoy).
Book shopping at Chapters is a great diversion. And in spite of the aforementioned budget concerns I treated myself to some new tomes for my library:
"The Good Earth" by Pearl S. Buck - one of my favourites
"Buddhism is Not What You Think" by Steve Hagen - a new exploration of mine
"On Equilibrium" & "The Doubter's Companion" by John Ralston Saul - my fave modern philospher (and a Canadian!)
"Shopaholic & Sister" by Sophie Kinsella - because my mind needs a break too!
And home to cook a full dinner of fish, vegies and salad. I have gottne into counting calories these days and it helps in the cooking alot. I know, I am a bit too obsessive, but whatever!
And now I am settling down to enjoy this week's edition of "The Amazing Race".
See good day.
I miss you and you look beautiful
I have Steve Hagan's book "Buddhism: Plain and Simple". We should trade when you're done :)
Great pic, btw!
love you beautiful lady and i'm very proud of you :) Aunty A xoxo
Hi sweety... I got home tonight to a wee package at my door.. I gasped when I opened your beautiful gift! Thank you thank you.. it is sooo beautiful! :) I love you lots! I plan on saving the address and sit down and write you a card :)
Aunty A
xoxoxo PS you made me cry :) but in a good way
I am so proud of you and your healthy lifestyle!
Also, totally agree about the productivity increase at coffee shops. I am an editing fiend when I sit down with my London Fog at the sunny window with my pages.
I don't have any interrupters or "new email!" announcements to distract.
Your day sounds like one that I would LOVE.
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